Exception Custom Settings

How to use the config.ini file to customize your experience

Additional customization options are accessible thorough the config.ini file located in the root directory of your Exception install.  This is typically under:

[your steam install folder]/SteamApps/common/Exception/Exception_Data/config.ini

Open config.ini in a text editor to make changes.

Note: If you would like to reset the ini file to default settings, delete the config.ini file and then restart the game. A new file will be generated.

Set an FPS target

– Change useTargetFrameRate=0 to useTargetFrameRate=1
– Set your FPS target by changing this line targetFrameRate=[number]
Notes: the target frame rate only accepts integers (minimum of 20). If you have V-sync enabled, this will override the FPS target

Disable the in-game UI during levels

– Change showUiInLevel=1 to showUiInLevel=0

Adjust background blur

– Set backgroundBlurPasses=X to any value between 0 and 10

Disable background scanline effect

– Change useBackgroundScanlines=1 to useBackgroundScanlines=0

Disable background edge detection

– Change useBackgroundEdgeDetection=1 to useBackgroundEdgeDetection=0

Disable background vignette effect

– Change useBackgroundVignette=1 to useBackgroundVignette=0

Change background resolution

– Change backgroundSSAA=0 to one of the following values:
(1) -50% resolution (for improved performance – very fast)
(2) -75% resolution (for improved performance – fast)
(3) -2x SSAA resolution (for improved visuals – slow)
(4) -4x SSAA resolution (for improved visuals -very slow)

Modify the vertical deadzone buffer

The game adds an extra vertical deadzone to reduce unintentional inputs. This buffer value represents the extra vertical deadzone applied on top of the base deadzone value set in the controls menu. The default value is 40.
– Change adjustVertDeadzoneBuffer=0 to adjustVertDeadzoneBuffer=1
– Set verticalDeadzoneBuffer=XX to any value between 0 and 60